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Thursday, April 22, 2010

'South Park' Creators Receive Death Threats Over 200th Episode

'South Park' Creators Receive Death Threats Over 200th EpisodeIf you watched the first part of South Park's celebratory 200th episode last week on Comedy Central, part of you might recall it as a reunion of sorts of all the beleaguered celebrities playfully torn a new one over the course of fourteen seasons on the air. While they gathered under the leadership of Tom Cruise to sue the town over all the insults they have endured, another part of you may have recognized the episode as its own satire of sitcoms that celebrate their own genius by rehashing clips and situations from previous shows. If you are an extremist radical member of a certain...
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"South Park"'s Matt Stone

"South Park"'s Matt Stone Trey Parker and Matt Stone laid the foundations for an animated empire with "The Spirit of Christmas", an incredibly crude animated short they made with pieces of cut-out construction paper in 1995. Out of that came the Comedy Central show "South Park", which debuted in 1997 and which is now the longest-running and highest-rated show in the history of Comedy Central. Even more remarkable than the show's ratings success has been its durability; in 14 seasons, it's never fallen off.A huge part of the show's success has always been the music. Parker and Stone have written insane numbers of songs for "South Park", and their...
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